Bienvenidos a Golden Health

  • Naringenina
CAS:  480-41-1
Specification:  ≥98%
Appearance:  yellowish-white powder
Solubility:  Soluble in ethanol, diethyl ether
y benceno, ligeramente soluble en agua
Melting Point:  247~250℃
Packing details:  PE bag and alumin-
Bolsa de aluminio mmm, 25 kg/barril


Naringenina is a kind of natural flavonoid compounds, widely existing in the pomelo of rutaceous plants. It mainly comes from naringin with the functions of anti-microbial, anti-inflammation, anti-oxidant, preventing cough and eliminating phlegm, decreasing blood fat, anti-tumor and anti-cancer, spasmolysis, scavenging free radical, preventing and treating liver diseases, anti-platelet clotting, anti-atherosclerotic of arteries etc., widely used in the food, pharmaceutical and healthcare product industry etc.


Naringenina can be widely used in medicine and food as flavor modifier and sweetness enhancer.


FEMA GRAS #4797 incluido como sabor.

Aplicación Tips

FEMA GRAS  recommend average usual use levels (ppm): diary products 100-300,frozen food 200-350, beverage 100-200.