Bienvenidos a Golden Health

Fibra cítrica Benefits in Dairy Foods

Dic 30 2020

Golden Health Fibra cítrica derived from Citrus (Pomelo) that your body can‘t digest or absorb, with excellent
emulsfication ability and capacities of holding water as well as oil. These natural functionalities benefit dairy

Palabras clave:
Clean Label         Emulsification
Fat reduction      Improved mouthfeel
Smooth texture   Thickener

Advantages of Fibra cítrica+ Natural Edulcorante (Coneaty Sweetness Flavor or NHDC)
  1. Color: Ivory (Citrus fiber+ Natural sweetener won’t change or sway color of yogurt)
  2. Olor: Sabor neutro natural del yogur, sin sabor agrio ni otro sabor a faisán.

Fibra cítrica